Empowering communities, one ride at a time.

GoStratford’s mission is simple: to ensure that sustainable, active forms of travel are accessible to all. By removing barriers and extending a helping hand, we’re proud to offer thousands of hours of free and discounted hire, ensuring that no one is left behind in our journey towards a greener, more inclusive future.  Here’s how we’re making a difference:


By promoting cycling and electric vehicle use, we’re actively contributing to the reduction of harmful emissions and improving air quality in Stratford.


Encouraging biking and walking not only reduces traffic congestion but also promotes healthier, more active lifestyles among residents and visitors alike.


Through our sustainable transport initiatives, we’re creating opportunities for people to connect with each other and with their surroundings, fostering a sense of community pride and belonging.

Social Memberships

At GoStratford, we believe that everyone should have access to sustainable, active forms of travel. That’s why we’re dedicated to removing barriers for groups that might not have had access otherwise. Through our commitment to community empowerment and social value creation, we are proud to be giving away thousands of hours of free and discounted hire through our ‘social membership’ programme. Included are certain groups, such as key workers, local residents and community groups, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

We want to ensure that nobody gets left behind in accessing sustainable travel options, empowering all members of our community to lead healthier, more connected lives.

Part of one of these groups?
Reveal your code for X hours of free hire.

Making a difference

Supporting communities through active travel
A group of waving people pushing bicycles
The Hadley Team

At GoStratford, we’re not just about providing transportation solutions; we’re dedicated to working hand in hand with local communities and schools. If you believe we can make a difference in your community or school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Get in Touch
A colourful illustration of people riding bicycles